Functional Medicine

We all know how conventional medicine works.  It’s great for acute issues, treating infections, and major injuries. But a lot of us will have chronic health conditions or concerns that we just don’t feel are addressed fully by our conventional medicine providers. Have you ever brought up a concern to your provider only to have your lab work come back normal, and to be told that you were healthy and everything was fine? That’s where functional medicine comes in. Functional medicine focuses on root cause analysis of your symptoms, instead of just treating the them.  

What is Functional Medicine and Who is It For?

How We do Functional Medicine Differently

There are issues with functional medicine, just as there are issues with conventional medicine.  You may have heard functional medicine getting a “bad rap” for endorsing too many supplements, too many labs, and being too expensive.  That is why at Dane Functional Health we believe that less can be more, and we have seen it work! We have had a lot of success with being very targeted in our supplement and medication prescriptions, or diagnostic investigations, all while trying to make functional medicine more accessible and affordable. Schedule your free consult to find out more!